
Application skills of pesticide in landscape seedlings

Browse times:  Release time:2019/11/27 9:52:47

In recent years. China's landscape planting industry is developing rapidly. Summer is a rainy season. Rainy season is often the season of crop diseases, insect pests and weeds, and the season of high pesticide use frequency. However, rainy season will also bring inconvenience to the work of disease prevention and insect control.Therefore, it is more important to apply the pesticide scientifically, safely and reasonably. In order to improve the application effect of the pesticide, some skills should be mastered. It is suggested that farmers should pay more attention to the following points when using pesticide for landscaping seedlings.

1. Select the pesticide for internal absorption garden greening seedlings. The inhaling pesticide can enter the plant through the roots, stems, leaves and other parts of the plant, and transport to other parts, and play a role in a certain period of time. For example, insecticides such as carbofuran, monocrotophos, Omethoate, and phosphamine, and fungicides such as carbendazim, Triadimefon, and tobuzin, more than 80% of the effective ingredients will be absorbed into the tissue by the crops within 4 to 5 hours after application of such pesticides, and will not lose efficacy due to rain.

2. Select quick acting pesticide for landscaping seedlings. Such as dichlorvos, monocrotophos, methamidophos and other pesticides belong to this type. This kind of pesticide has a strong contact or fumigation effect, and it can kill pests within 1 to 2 hours.

3. Select rain resistant pesticide. For example, Jinggang toxin, carbendazim and sukelin have better rain resistance. After 1 to 2 hours or 4 to 5 hours of application, they will not affect the efficacy even in case of showers.

4. Add adhesion agent into the medicinal liquid of landscape seedlings. The adhesive can increase the adhesion of pesticide to the surface of crops and the body surface of pests. It has good synergistic effect.

5. Improve the application method. For example, before large-scale occurrence of insect pests, fine soil is mixed and applied to the mud layer of the root area of crops to let the plants absorb, resulting in the poisoning of insect pests. This method of root zone application can avoid rain washing, especially suitable for use in rainy season.

6. Choose the time and apply the medicine skillfully. According to the activity rule of pests, the time of application was selected. For example, for some pests such as the rice leaf roller that come out at night, the medicine is applied in the evening, so that the medicine is absorbed by the plant, and the pests can eat within 2 to 3 hours after coming out, and then die of poisoning.

The application of pesticides is essential in the planting of nursery stock in landscaping. The use of pesticides in rainy season will often be affected by the washing of rainwater. In the rainy season, the use of pesticide for landscape seedlings should follow certain skills and use it scientifically and reasonably, which can improve the effect of pesticide for landscape seedlings in rainy season and enhance its effect.

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